Lauren Reid is a curator, researcher and educator. She is Co-Director of insitu collective, Lecturer in Curatorial Practice at Node Centre for Curatorial Studies, Co-Founder of the Project Space Festival Berlin and a PhD Candidate in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Freie Universität, Berlin with the project Thinking Beyond the Final Frontier: Cosmic Futures in Thailand.
Through exhibitions, writing and moving images, she explores themes centered on astrocultures, animism, ecology and speculative techno-scientific futures. As a curator, she creates immersive experiences that activate all the senses as a method to bring audiences inside the world of a topic, be it outer space, a future nuclear waste repository, or a fictional character.
Through exhibitions, writing and moving images, she explores themes centered on astrocultures, animism, ecology and speculative techno-scientific futures. As a curator, she creates immersive experiences that activate all the senses as a method to bring audiences inside the world of a topic, be it outer space, a future nuclear waste repository, or a fictional character.
Research interests
outer space, anthropocene, animism, human futures, PSI experiences, immersive exhibition-making, visual storytelling
2017 - ongoing
Doctoral Candidate, Social & Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität, Berlin
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours), Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney
Bachelor of Arts (Visual) / Arts, Australian National University, Canberra
Selected curatorial projects
Infinities Goulburn Regional Gallery, AU
Honeymoon Viborg Kunsthal, DK*
I dreamed I was a house Casino, Luxembourg, LU*
Beyond the Final Frontier Subhashok the Arts Centre, Bangkok, TH
Corridor III: Valdemar Daa Viborg Kunsthal, DK*
Corridor II: Pachamama insitu, Berlin, DE*
Thinking like a forest screening evening for Elsa Salonen’s solo exhibition Guided by the Stars of the Southern Hemisphere, Acud Macht Neu, Berlin, DE
The Overflow Untitled for Film, Chiang Mai University, TH
Corridor I: Onkalo insitu, Berlin, DE*
Charles insitu, Berlin, DE*
Madeleine insitu, Berlin, DE*
Jonny insitu, Berlin, DE*
Vic insitu, Berlin, DE*
Framework 6: parallelisms insitu, Berlin, DE*
O.K. The Musical (Dress Rehearsals) KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, DE**
Framework 5: O.K. The Musical (Pre-Production) insitu, Berlin, DE**
Haunted Thresholds: Spirituality in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Kunstverein Göttingen, Göttingen, DE
A Brief History of Memory IV Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, RU
Spectral Reverberations, Light & Wire Gallery, online formerly at
Framework 3: meet your idol insitu, Berlin, DE**
Project Space Festival: Magic Tricks insitu, Berlin, DE**
Framework 2: feel at home insitu, Berlin, DE**
Framework 1: extrasensory bonds insitu, Berlin, DE**
Prologue: relationships, networks and connections insitu, Berlin, DE**
Untitled Prophecies, Node Center, Berlin, DE with Perla Montelongo
As Everything Moves Meinblau e.V. Berlin, DE***
Dysraphic City Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, DE **
FAIL! Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin, DE***
Blows to the Temple Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin, DE***
Letters from the field Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin, DE***
p.s. João Cocteau, Berlin
Out of the black, REH Kunst, Berlin
The Doors of Perception: Cinema Cycle Altes Finanzamt, Berlin, DE co-curated with Lorenzo Sandoval
Nuno Vicente, Sculptures made of earth, fire, water, air (part I) João Cocteau, Berlin, DE
Material Conversion Grimmuseum, Berlin, DE co-curated with Maria Lanko and Wyatt Niehaus
Grantpirrie Gallery Window Grantpirrie Gallery, Sydney, AU
* co-curated with Marie Graftieaux, Nora Mayr and Gilles Neiens as insitu collective
** co-curated with Marie Graftieaux and Nora Mayr as insitu collective
*** as mentor to Node Center Resident Curators
** co-curated with Marie Graftieaux and Nora Mayr as insitu collective
*** as mentor to Node Center Resident Curators
Talks & workshops
‘Imagining cosmic futures ‘otherwise’ through co-creative and montage-inspired research methods’, presentation in panel Making and transforming outer space with/through artistic interventions: alternative languages and narratives for (inter)planetary relations. EASST/4S Amsterdam 2024: Making and Doing Transformations. Amsterdam, NL (forthcoming)
‘Making of Outer Space: National Futures, Technologies and
Celestial Bodies in Motion‘, presentation for FutureSpace Talks, University of Vienna [online]. Vienna, AT
Celestial Bodies in Motion‘, presentation for FutureSpace Talks, University of Vienna [online]. Vienna, AT
COSS Catalyst: Space Temples panelist and presenter, University College London: Institute of Advanced Studies [online]. London, UK
‘Finding the extraterrestrial on two mountaintops in Thailand’ presentation in exhibition Aliens are temporary: a mutating tale, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, DE
‘Reframing ‘Space the Final Frontier’’ presentation in panel Rethinking Outer Space And Science: Critical Engagements With The Cosmos And The Extra-terrestrial. 4S Toronto 2021: Good Relation: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, Toronto, CA
Caterina Barbieri & Ruben Spini in conversation with Lauren Reid interview as part of The New Infinity by the Berliner Festspiele, Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Berlin, De
Who are the Publics of Outer Space? roundtable co-organiser and presenter with Richard Tutton at EASST/4S 2020 [online]. Prague, CZ
No Planet B: Multiplanetary Ethics in the Anthropocene roundtable panelist at AAA/CASCA 2019, Vancouver, CA
Futures Beyond Earth: Apocalyptic Thinking of Thai Astronomers and Extraterrestrial Believers talk at ‘The Moon as a ‘contact zone’ to other worlds: an interdisciplinary workshop’, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Conceptualising Exhibitions series of workshops, lectures and portfolio reviews at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, LT
Beyond the Final Frontier presentation and panelist at the International SETI conference by Indonesian Space Science Society, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, ID
Imagining Our Futures in Outer Space workshop at HONF Lab as part of at International SETI conference by Indonesian Space Science Society, Yogyakarta, ID
Imagining Our Futures in Outer Space workhop at S.A.C. Art Lab and Residency, Chiang Mai, TH
The Next Big Thing: Futures of Exhibitions workshop at European Cultural Academy, Venice, IT
Introduction to Curating: Developing Concepts workshop at Paratissima Skopje, Skopje, MK
Creative Writing in Three-Dimensions - Can an exhibition be a story? workshop at Silpakorn University, Bangkok, TH
Curator talks: Sharing Curatorial Practice talk with Nora Mayr as insitu collective as part of Aarhus Art Weekend, Aarhus, DK
Haunted Thresholds and an introduction to interdisciplinary curating lecutre at Institut für Ethnologie, Georg-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, DE
Synaesthesia and the Unseen talk with Rebecca Partridge, Friends with Books Art Book Fair Berlin, Café Moskau, Berlin, DE
The independent art scene in Berlin talk with Marie Graftieaux, Nora Mayr, insitu, Berlin for MFA Studio Berlin, College of Arts and Science, American University, Washington DC
Professional Presentation for Artists and Curators workshop at Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin, DE
Texts & publications
‘Launching Cosmic Fantasies and Grounding Space Science: Co-Productive Loops Flowing Through a Thai Space Museum‘. (In preparation, chapter in edited volume)
‘Divergent Searches for Extraterrestrial Worlds on Two Mountaintops in Thailand‘. In The Routledge Handbook of Social Studies of Outer Space. Edited by Juan Francisco Salazar and Alice Gorman. Routledge.
‘Time and the Writers: Models of Time in Literature, Science, and Busby Berkeley Films‘. (Multimedia presentation: text by Etzel Cardeña, videos by Lauren Reid). 13th Symposium of BIAL Foundation.
‘Frontier’. In A Cosmic Glossary. Edited by Tamara Alvares and Alexander Taylor. Society and Space forum (forthcoming)
‘On Cosmic Travels and Becoming Gods: Some Reflections on Julijonas Ubonas’s Planet of People’. In Lithuanian Space Agency: Annual Report No. 1. Edited by Julijonas Urbonas and Milda Batakytė. The 17th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia: Venice.
‘The Secret Life of Objects: Strategies for Telling New Stories in Exhibitions’. Allegra Lab.
Taiki Sakpisit: Until The Morning Comes. Until The Morning Comes (exhibition). Subhashok The Arts Centre: Bangkok
Lauren Reid, Karin Klenke, Andrea Lauser (Eds.) Haunted Thresholds: Spirituality in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Exhibition text for Never Forever by Jai McKenzie, Artistic Bokeh, Vienna
'Marvels of Things Created and Miraculous Aspects of Things Existing' for Unconditional Belief, artist book created and edited by Art Labor
'Scaling the Sublime' for exhibition A Planetary Order, curated by Rebecca Partridge, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin (artists: Martin John Callanan, Rebecca Partridge, Katie Paterson)
'What is the future of art?' IS IT ART OR IS IT JUST? #trendbook s/s 2014 New: Art Center, Rotterdam (written with Perla Montelongo under collaborative project: ‘Untitled Prophecies’)
'Peel Slowly and See: Popular music in the artistic practice of Song-Ming Ang'. ISSUE 2: Echo, The Poetics of Translation, ISSUE Art Journal. August 2013. LASALLE College of the Arts: Singapore.
'Truth to Materials: Arlo Mountford'. The social life of things (exhibition). Curated by Alicia Renew. Monash University Museum of Art: Melbourne
2020 - ongoing
Developing Curatorial Concepts: Research & Creative Ideation. Online course at Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin, DE
Curatorial Lecturer, The Curatorial Program - Abu Dhabi. Online course at Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin, DE for Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism
2016 - ongoing
Key Moments in the History of Curating. Online course at Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin, DE
2014 - ongoing
Expanding Exhibitions: innovative approaches to exhibition-making. Online course at Node Center for Curatorial Studies, Berlin, DE
Lauren Reid and Her Cosmic Futures, Curtain: The Art Curator Grid Magazine [online], 24/2/2021
La maison rêvée, Céline Coubray, Paperjam [online], 8/6/2019
Bienvenue chez eux!, Grégory Cimatti, Le Quotidien, 8/6/2019
Tablo, Josée Hanse, d’Lëtzebuerger Land, 7/6/2019
I dreamed I was a house, D’Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek, 1/6/2019
I dreamed I was a house, City Magazine, Luxembourg, June 2019
Magi i kunsten, Ole Bak Jakobsen, [online] 8/8/2019
Contemporary art for everyone, Nicolai Lisberg, Scan Magazine, Issue 102, July 2017
Die 100,000 Jahre-Warnung: Atomare Gruppenausstellung bei insitu, taz, 10 - 16/11/2016
Einblick 647, interview for taz, 10 - 16/11/2016
February exhibitions: Six not to miss, Amanda Ribas Tugwell, Exberliner, February issue 2016
This Exhibition Explores Dementia Through Sensations, Will Furtado, Sleek Magazine [online] 02/02/16
Alles zerbricht: die Schau Madeleine im Projektraum insitu umkreist das Thema Demenz, Tip Issue 04/2016 11 - 24 February
A girl called Jonny, Amanda Ribas Tugwell, Exberliner, December issue and online 16/12/15
Kennst du eigentlich schon Jonny? (Begegnung mit einem fiktiven-Charakter), Libertine Magazine, December 2015, pp. 82 - 85
A GIRL CALLED JONNY, Katy Shields, PETRIe [online] 07/12/15
'Jonny' - A Show Where Pleasure Is Your Guide, Sleek Magazine [online] 05/09/15
A Girl Called Jonny. Insitu, Jerry Saltz, Sex and Money, An Paenhuysen, [online] 27/10/15
6 Must Sees der Berlin Art Week, Anika Meier und Philipp Hindahl, Artefakt [online] 10/09/15
The Best Non-Profit Spaces in Berlin, Nicole Rodriguez, ARTSlant [online] 09/09/15
Wilkommen in Berlin “Vic”!, Monopol magazine, September 2015
Vic at insitu Berlin, Carla Fernández, Daily Serving [online] 16/08/15
Berlin Extra, Air Berlin magazine, August 2015
Freie Kunsträume in Berlin: Aktzeichnen to go, Ingeborg Wiensowski, Spiegel Online [online] 11/08/15
False Idols: Insitu Examines Celebrity, Penny Victoria Rafferty, Sleek Magazine [online] 22/07/15
Spaces to Watch: 5 questions for insitu in Berlin, Spike Art Magazine [online] 14/05/15
The Alchemy Of Curating. "Framework 6: Parallelisms", Part 2 at insitu, An Paenhuysen, [online] 19/04/15
Project Space Festival Berlin, Jesi Khadivi, Eyeout: the mobile art guide [online] 26/08/14
THE FLUX OF SPACE: BERLIN'S PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL, Ally Bishop, Runway magazine [online] 15/07/14
In conversation with insitu, Ashton Chandler, Art:I:Curate [online] 17/03/14
Out of the black – Raumerweiterungshalle Berlin, Jeni Fulton, Berlin Art Link [online] 15/01/12
BLACK HOLES AT REH KUNST, Niche Art and Architecture, Berlin [online] 14/01/12
La maison rêvée, Céline Coubray, Paperjam [online], 8/6/2019
Bienvenue chez eux!, Grégory Cimatti, Le Quotidien, 8/6/2019
Tablo, Josée Hanse, d’Lëtzebuerger Land, 7/6/2019
I dreamed I was a house, D’Zeitung vum Lëtzebuerger Vollek, 1/6/2019
I dreamed I was a house, City Magazine, Luxembourg, June 2019
Magi i kunsten, Ole Bak Jakobsen, [online] 8/8/2019
Contemporary art for everyone, Nicolai Lisberg, Scan Magazine, Issue 102, July 2017
Die 100,000 Jahre-Warnung: Atomare Gruppenausstellung bei insitu, taz, 10 - 16/11/2016
Einblick 647, interview for taz, 10 - 16/11/2016
February exhibitions: Six not to miss, Amanda Ribas Tugwell, Exberliner, February issue 2016
This Exhibition Explores Dementia Through Sensations, Will Furtado, Sleek Magazine [online] 02/02/16
Alles zerbricht: die Schau Madeleine im Projektraum insitu umkreist das Thema Demenz, Tip Issue 04/2016 11 - 24 February
A girl called Jonny, Amanda Ribas Tugwell, Exberliner, December issue and online 16/12/15
Kennst du eigentlich schon Jonny? (Begegnung mit einem fiktiven-Charakter), Libertine Magazine, December 2015, pp. 82 - 85
A GIRL CALLED JONNY, Katy Shields, PETRIe [online] 07/12/15
'Jonny' - A Show Where Pleasure Is Your Guide, Sleek Magazine [online] 05/09/15
A Girl Called Jonny. Insitu, Jerry Saltz, Sex and Money, An Paenhuysen, [online] 27/10/15
6 Must Sees der Berlin Art Week, Anika Meier und Philipp Hindahl, Artefakt [online] 10/09/15
The Best Non-Profit Spaces in Berlin, Nicole Rodriguez, ARTSlant [online] 09/09/15
Wilkommen in Berlin “Vic”!, Monopol magazine, September 2015
Vic at insitu Berlin, Carla Fernández, Daily Serving [online] 16/08/15
Berlin Extra, Air Berlin magazine, August 2015
Freie Kunsträume in Berlin: Aktzeichnen to go, Ingeborg Wiensowski, Spiegel Online [online] 11/08/15
False Idols: Insitu Examines Celebrity, Penny Victoria Rafferty, Sleek Magazine [online] 22/07/15
Spaces to Watch: 5 questions for insitu in Berlin, Spike Art Magazine [online] 14/05/15
The Alchemy Of Curating. "Framework 6: Parallelisms", Part 2 at insitu, An Paenhuysen, [online] 19/04/15
Project Space Festival Berlin, Jesi Khadivi, Eyeout: the mobile art guide [online] 26/08/14
THE FLUX OF SPACE: BERLIN'S PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL, Ally Bishop, Runway magazine [online] 15/07/14
In conversation with insitu, Ashton Chandler, Art:I:Curate [online] 17/03/14
Out of the black – Raumerweiterungshalle Berlin, Jeni Fulton, Berlin Art Link [online] 15/01/12
BLACK HOLES AT REH KUNST, Niche Art and Architecture, Berlin [online] 14/01/12